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HOLO/OR introduces a new module for modifying certain output parameters of a Diffractive Optical Element (DOE).
The module reduces or expands the full angle of a DOE output by a magnification factor.
Unlike standard beam expander, our module takes into considerations the characteristics of our beam shaping, beam splitting and beam foci elements, thus achieving superb results with minimal aberrations.
The module can be beneficial/suitable in the following cases:
HOLO/OR is also able to customize the module according to the customer’s system and request.
DOE Expander
*: not including the DOE and optional focusing lens
**: This maximal angle corresponds to maximal full angle of the DOE for square output shape. For round output shape, the maximal angle is x1.4 times larger.
Without DOE Expander
With DOE Expander x5
With DOE Expander x9.7
Far-field simulation results for a Square Top-Hat, from left to right, without DOE expander 1.5×1.5[deg], with DOE expander x5 7.5×7.5[deg] and with DOE expander x9.7 ~14×14[deg].
Comparison between Square Top-Hats result at image plane obtained by different expander module elements:
Without DOE Expander
With DOE Expander x5
With DOE Expander x9.7
Simulation results for a Square Top-Hat 1.6deg in size, with (from left to right): perfect beam expander (not real lens) for ideal output spot, standard beam expander not optimized for use with a DOE and Holo/Or’s DOE Expander optimized for use with a DOE and additional focusing lens after the module.
Simulation input parameters: Wavelength 532nm and input beam diameter 8mm.
Simulation results for a Square Top-Hat 2.0deg in size, with (from left to right): perfect beam expander (not real lens) for ideal output spot, standard beam expander not optimized for use with a DOE and Holo/Or’s DOE Expander optimized for use with a DOE and additional focusing lens after the module.
Simulation input parameters: Wavelength 532nm and input beam diameter 6mm.
Simulation results for a Square Top-Hat 2.86deg in size, with (from left to right): perfect beam expander (not real lens) for ideal output spot, standard beam expander not optimized for use with a DOE and Holo/Or’s DOE Expander optimized for use with a DOE and additional focusing lens after the module.
Simulation input parameters: Wavelength 532nm and input beam diameter 6mm.